Someone is arriving in Texas in 6 hours.
She's short, has dark hair, an amazing smile, and is NOT Summer Burdette. (That was for you, Seth.)
OR the President.
OR the President.
A moderately entertaining romp through the inner thoughts of a tall man in a small world.
I wish it *was* Summer Burdette... :(
Amen to that.
1. Karl's blog is no place for your sappy "I miss you/ No I miss you more" stuff.
2. I'm not short. In many countries I would be considered tall. Just because Karl's whole family is 6' does NOT mean I'M short. I'm "shorter by comparison."
3. Amazing smile? Hm.
She's the one visiting, if you didn't know.
But Desiree, you are short. I don't know what happened to you or Summer, but that is not the normal Burdette height. Well, excluding granny and Brenda ... Okay, immediate family only - you two are short.
Desiree...get over yourself. :)
Just because you're freakishly tall, Heather, doesn't mean I'M short. Five-seven. Pshhh. Who's THAT tall these days?
Umm, my mom, my sister, and most of the women in my family? :)
BTW, there was nothing sappy about what we said.
I'm actually only 5'6", but I imagine from where you stand it is hard to discern between that inch. JUST KIDDING.
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