It happened ...
So I was driving home from Dallas and listening to Rascal Flatts "What hurts the most" (sorry, I like the song for some reason), and the station was from Dallas, and I was already 3/4 of the way home. So about 2/3s of the way through, the static was so bad I gave up on the song. I changed to a local station, and it was the same song at the same point in the song.
It's a spring feast miracle.
It's a spring feast miracle.
"was being SOOOOO CLOSE...."
- too bad that didn't come on Tuesday night, you could have serenaded us
I like to imagine them as being ..err .. Texan pop.
What hurts the most is that I thought you were a true music lover. :( You'd better start developing a drawl.
I've broken arms and take shots 3-4 times a day .. but THAT really hurt, Mike.
My familiarity with Rascal Flatts begins and ends with the movie "Cars".
How dare you call Rascal Flatts "Texan."
I'm so confused by "country pride".
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