I used to be that guy.
So I'm remote admining into a bunch of distant computers today. Since we service TRAs offices in the majority of the N. Dallas area, we set it up so we can log into them and work here at Alex's house as if we were right there on their computer. I'm putting patches for this new daylight savings time fiasco that the government came up with. The computers I was working on are all the primary radiology viewing computers in each of the offices.
I get to one and I see someone using it. This has happened a couple times, but they were all MRI scans and such, and I get off quick so I don't bother them. But this guy... he was browsing myspace (IS GAY btw). I go back later and see he's still doing it. I tell Alex and he's pretty sure he even knows who it is doing this and is talking about blocking the site entirely. So I run into his office, and he goes to work blocking all the different IP addresses that myspace uses while we watch this guy's browsing capability get smaller and smaller.
The best moment was when he was posting a comment on one of his friend's pages who had asked him how he had so much time to spend on myspace. So I watch as he types, "How do I have so much time to post?? lol I do this from work." I was doubled over from laughing.
lol indeed, my friend. El Oh El.
I get to one and I see someone using it. This has happened a couple times, but they were all MRI scans and such, and I get off quick so I don't bother them. But this guy... he was browsing myspace (IS GAY btw). I go back later and see he's still doing it. I tell Alex and he's pretty sure he even knows who it is doing this and is talking about blocking the site entirely. So I run into his office, and he goes to work blocking all the different IP addresses that myspace uses while we watch this guy's browsing capability get smaller and smaller.
The best moment was when he was posting a comment on one of his friend's pages who had asked him how he had so much time to spend on myspace. So I watch as he types, "How do I have so much time to post?? lol I do this from work." I was doubled over from laughing.
lol indeed, my friend. El Oh El.
Nicely done!
And myspace is pathetic.
hahaha... thats great :)
And I second Kerr.
We had a blast laughing about this post this past Sabbath.
Ah, that made it all worthwhile, Michael. :)
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