Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Just some thoughts.

So, things are unstable again. Nothing seems to stay good for very long in the church without something coming along that creates turmoil. But without turmoil, how could we ever grow? If everything went on and on and on without anything ever being turbulant, then the Laodecian attitude would just be prevalent. So where do we go from here?

We can't hope to know where all of this is heading, except for knowing that the final product will never change. Jesus Christ will come to this earth in a glorious 2nd coming, and the Kingdom of God will be established forever. And this is going to happen no matter what happens along the way. And the Church that God and Christ have established on this earth will be in existance and will be there to rule alongside them in the millenium and be the family of God for eternity.

So, don't lose faith. No matter what happens in a human world, we have the promise of our Father in Heaven that the Church will exist until the end of this age. And we have His inspired Word -- the Holy Bible -- to teach us and lead us along with his Holy Spirit. Mr. Meredith continually tells us to follow him as he follows Christ. So let's do that.

Discouragement is futile.


Blogger KiwiGeek said...

Well said.

6:45 AM  
Blogger Annette said...


8:13 PM  
Blogger Jake said...

Karl, very good observations and I agree. I also feel the unstable atmosphere right now in the church but that is no reason to lose heart. Christ and God are still there. Christ is still intervening for us on our behalf. The Work will still go on. We will preach to gospel to the whole world as a witness.

I hurt a little inside because of all of this but that is because I love my brethen and I hate to see them go in this way. I know it is perfectly fine for me to hurt in this way. I should be more concerned if I didn't hurt or care at all.

8:13 AM  

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