Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Who-o-oa, it's magic.

I've been driving my car around underneath the "E" on the gas tank for about 4 days now. The price of gas has been dropping so rapidly that I keep thinking that I can hold out one more day and get a better price. Well, this morning, my car took that extra amount of "rrr-rrr-rrr!!" time to get started, so I made haste to the gas station.

I remember reading that my gas tank holds 11.7 gallons of gas. I'm PRETTY sure that's what the manual said. Someone put 11.8 gallons in there today. Yeah. By my exact calculations, it seems that I've been running on two fairies and an unemployed leprechaun for the last couple miles.


Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm not dead.

I just don't blog. Sorry you all have to keep coming by to see the same old nothing on my page. Maybe I can come up with something to say eventually.