Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I don't understand my dilemma ...

I seem to have become LESS of an impulse buyer now that I actually have money to do so and don't have to worry about the payment coming up on my credit card.

I wanted to lay down nearly a grand the other day for a nice shiny video projector for the Marshall pad, but I was just like, "Meh, I don't REALLY need it," even though I look at them every time I go into an electronics store. I don't know what I'm talking about ... of course I really need it. It's useless and expensive. This is the opposite of how I was in college where I would walk into a store, like something, charge it and then starve for the month while trying to make ends meet. And then I would legitimize the purchase by saying, "I need this for school." Yeah, I'm absolutely sure that brand new $250 video card is the saving grace for the papers I had to write.

I've gotten old.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Karl: The evil cockroach wizard.

The Practice Administrator here at RCA (our new client) picked up her son from school and brought him back for the last half of the day. He's been coloring in the board room with me (no, I'm not coloring, I'm just in here doing some research), and constantly showing me his pictures. He's gotten in trouble a couple times for talking to me ("Karl has work to do and you need to stop bugging him.") but insists on being my tag along.

He left a picture of me on the floor where I would HAVE to see it (he dropped it in the hallway when he saw me coming back and then took off running), and the caption says "ahahhahhh it's Karl the evil cooktroch wiserd".

Ah, kids.

Correction to the last post.

She owns a ranch.

Friday, May 04, 2007

A new experience

Today I stepped foot into the first almost modest home of a radiologist. Pretty refreshing. They also have a parlor grand Baldwin in the living room that is way out of tune (I've been playing on it while I wait on installations .. the nanny left to get the kids from school ... it needed some love).

100th post.