Highlights from a memorable and awesome wedding, compliments of Julie and (James) Bert:
- A map and directions that took us at least 10 minutes past the building where the wedding was at, and 30 minutes to reconcile (AND I had Mr. McNair in my car!)
- Getting the "Karl! You're playing" from Julie when I arrived (which I responded to with a fist pump and a "yessssssssss")
- Getting asked "Are you a Moluf?" I guess the facial hair did it. (WHOOP! The cat is out of the bag.)
- My "T - 10 minutes" call to Annette from the front row of the audience.
- The amazing music choices for the bridal procession. Karl doesn't cry at the beginning of every wedding.
- Rachel Tlumak didn't die walking in heels in the processional (coming or going).
- The kiss. Bert is my hero.
- Marshall being a class act show-running usher before and after the wedding. Work it. Woowoo!
- No cake to face action by J&B. Totally classy, right-to-mouth action.
- Totally unclassy cake to face action by Lacey and me at our table afterwards.
- An epic birdseed bag war out in the parking lot. Not even close to time when the bride and groom were about to leave.
- Julie did the "Moluf dance" with me .. IN her wedding dress. That was awesome. OH OH! AND A HEEL CLICK! Hot.
- Running after the towncar containing the newlyweds, doing heel clicks all the way.
Good good times.