Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Well, that was sweet.

I went to work at Grace HS yesterday, and I decided to go use the restroom before the class started. I walked in, and there was this little boy (maybe 3 or 4) standing in there looking all forlorn by the urinals. I didn't know what that was about and I started walking into the lone stall, and I hear it flush, and I sorta awkwardly walk back away from it. This older man looks out and says to the boy, "OK, come on in." The little boy just shakes his head and looks unhappy. The man walks out and says, "I thought you needed to go." The boy just shakes his head and says nothing.

Well, you know ... I need the facilities. So, I walk in there, and close the stall door and ...

There's toilet paper lining the toilet seat. I look over the stall wall at the guy and say, "Am I, like ... messing something up here?" "No, that's ok, he's changed his mind." That was nice. It was like he set the toilet up for me.

It felt a little weird, regardless.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Paraphrased Seinfeld.

Because it's been on my mind for a couple days:

"You know what I like about the Japanese people? They still use chopsticks.

They've seen the fork. They know about the fork. They still use the sticks.

I don't know how they've been missing it all this time. They go out to work in the field with their shovel. Shovel? Spoon? They aren't plowing 40 acres with a couple of pool cues here."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You know ...

I say the phrase "you know" about every other sentence. At least. I knew it was a bad habit, but didn't really think much about it til Desirée told me I said it five times in the span of about a minute of a story I was telling her. Then I tried not saying it, and I couldn't. I would say something like, "I don't know," and then the word "know" would make me question whether or not I said "you know" and then I would get so confused the filter would turn off in my brain, and I'd say it again. I know that I type it a lot as well when I'm chatting.

And yes, during the above paragraph, I was working SO very hard not to type it. Also, every time I typed the word "know" I had to go back and re-read it to make sure I hadn't accidentally slip it in.

"You know?" It's my "um". I'm not sure that I traded up on this one.

Monday, May 01, 2006

How many miles does it take to make a living?

My itinerary today says 140ish. I have to be in 3 seperate cities to hit all of the rehearsals that I'm involved in today. The rest of the week looks to be about the same. And no, my checks that I'm expecting haven't come in the mail yet. Seems to be a bit of a bottleneck going on that's bringing me down.

I think I may have to do some more bill nagging here pretty soon.

In other related news, I don't have a social life right now.