Monday, February 20, 2006
Wow. I went in this morning to practice with the high school student. I've had some easy money jobs in my life, so this isn't the easiest ... but it's pretty darn close. We practiced maybe 15 minutes. It took me longer to drive there than to get it ready to go. Money money mooooney ...
Friday, February 17, 2006
Jobs, jobs, jobs.
This might be more of a reminder to myself as to what all I have to do now, but I'm throwing it on the blog anyways, just because I know everyone likes to see blogs change periodically and unexpectedly.
- I got a call about 2 weeks ago asking me if I could accompany a girl at UT in a dual vocal recital. After finally getting another job nailed down and making sure the day wasn't taken, I accepted. Then, moments later, the OTHER girl in the recital came up to me and said, "Hey Karl, I hear you're going to be playing for our recital?" Oooook, didn't realize I was doing the whole thing. More money for me, so I'm ok with this. Unfortunately, the first girl has to be able to perform any of her pieces today (in a couple hours) for the faculty, and I've only had the music for about a week. And this stuff is nasty tough. I'm going to go putzing through it and hopefully not look like too much of a fool.
- That brings up the other job that I got nailed down. I finally finalized that I would be working with Grace Community High School again for the semester. And they have a lot more shows and competitions than I remember. It's a Christian-based private school, and the kids are just awesome, and so is the director. They pay really generously, too. Oh, and they were so desperate for a pianist last semester, and Mrs. Boylan (the director) told the story all the time about how they needed a pianist, and they called me, and I came right in, and somehow (I forget the whole story) it was practically answered prayer for them. It's nice to work with such devout (sorta) people, and see them pray before everything. And I mean, ALL the time. Before practice, before performance, randomly in the middle of practice. I'm not kidding, Mrs. Boylan will get frustrated during practice, and just BUST into prayer, and I'm like .. well, I hate sitting down while there is praying going on, so I'm like this jack-in-the-box over at the piano. It's like jumping to attention whenever a commanding officer walks in the door. AND I think she mentioned me in about 95% of the praying, and about how blessed they were to have me. All in all, I wasn't ready for all that. :)
- Kay Williams is the "new Karl" as they say up at UT. She's 40ish or so, and has been doing the high school accompaniment gig for years and years, and now she's decided to come back to school and get her bachelor's. When I have a job I can't do, I recommend her, and when she has one, she does too. So, two nights ago, she called me and said there is a high school senior that needs to do a concerto movement for an audition, and that she doesn't have time to do it. All I have to do is go to one practice, and then play for the audition and I get a nice little pay. I called the girl's father, and I had to keep reassuring him that I wouldn't have any problem playing the piece (even without seeing it, I have to at least keep up the appearance that I'm confident ... can't get many jobs saying, "I'll see what I can do.").
- The orchestra teacher at Grace Community called me yesterday, and said that she has a couple orchestra students that need an accompanist for a competition in a couple weeks. Yay! This is good. The reason? Because their other accompanist had a stroke and won't be able to play the piano for a while because she's being rehabilitated. Ow. I don't feel good about this anymore. Nevertheless, I took the job.
Needless to say, I'm swamped in music. You should see how much copied music I throw out every month. OK, I'm outta here. Music to be played.
- I got a call about 2 weeks ago asking me if I could accompany a girl at UT in a dual vocal recital. After finally getting another job nailed down and making sure the day wasn't taken, I accepted. Then, moments later, the OTHER girl in the recital came up to me and said, "Hey Karl, I hear you're going to be playing for our recital?" Oooook, didn't realize I was doing the whole thing. More money for me, so I'm ok with this. Unfortunately, the first girl has to be able to perform any of her pieces today (in a couple hours) for the faculty, and I've only had the music for about a week. And this stuff is nasty tough. I'm going to go putzing through it and hopefully not look like too much of a fool.
- That brings up the other job that I got nailed down. I finally finalized that I would be working with Grace Community High School again for the semester. And they have a lot more shows and competitions than I remember. It's a Christian-based private school, and the kids are just awesome, and so is the director. They pay really generously, too. Oh, and they were so desperate for a pianist last semester, and Mrs. Boylan (the director) told the story all the time about how they needed a pianist, and they called me, and I came right in, and somehow (I forget the whole story) it was practically answered prayer for them. It's nice to work with such devout (sorta) people, and see them pray before everything. And I mean, ALL the time. Before practice, before performance, randomly in the middle of practice. I'm not kidding, Mrs. Boylan will get frustrated during practice, and just BUST into prayer, and I'm like .. well, I hate sitting down while there is praying going on, so I'm like this jack-in-the-box over at the piano. It's like jumping to attention whenever a commanding officer walks in the door. AND I think she mentioned me in about 95% of the praying, and about how blessed they were to have me. All in all, I wasn't ready for all that. :)
- Kay Williams is the "new Karl" as they say up at UT. She's 40ish or so, and has been doing the high school accompaniment gig for years and years, and now she's decided to come back to school and get her bachelor's. When I have a job I can't do, I recommend her, and when she has one, she does too. So, two nights ago, she called me and said there is a high school senior that needs to do a concerto movement for an audition, and that she doesn't have time to do it. All I have to do is go to one practice, and then play for the audition and I get a nice little pay. I called the girl's father, and I had to keep reassuring him that I wouldn't have any problem playing the piece (even without seeing it, I have to at least keep up the appearance that I'm confident ... can't get many jobs saying, "I'll see what I can do.").
- The orchestra teacher at Grace Community called me yesterday, and said that she has a couple orchestra students that need an accompanist for a competition in a couple weeks. Yay! This is good. The reason? Because their other accompanist had a stroke and won't be able to play the piano for a while because she's being rehabilitated. Ow. I don't feel good about this anymore. Nevertheless, I took the job.
Needless to say, I'm swamped in music. You should see how much copied music I throw out every month. OK, I'm outta here. Music to be played.
Monday, February 13, 2006
I love you guys...
No, I really mean it. Don't go changing .. you know, to try and please me. I like you ...
Just the Way you Are.
Just the Way you Are.
I love googling myself.
And of course by "myself" I mean "bladiator".
New iPods
Seems I'm the standard for testing clean piano quality for at least some of the internet iPod users.
New iPods
Seems I'm the standard for testing clean piano quality for at least some of the internet iPod users.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Last one!!

OK, the last blog post was looking like a warzone with that funky back-and-forth criss-cross razzle-dazzle, so I thought I'd post this one in it's own. I promise: no more nostalgic pictures from me (for a while). This is an old family picture, with my dad looking all manly. And he's holding the disturbing little baby (me).
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Who's that cutie?

Yeah, that's me. Sitting under the sink, of all things. That was my place to hide ... I loved it. Don't ask me why. Maybe sniffing the cleansers under there is what made me who I am today. And that on the right is just me being super cute. Really, I feel like I'm being conceited a little, but you tell me: can you deny it? Edit: Added pouty-faced picture for Desirée.
Monday, February 06, 2006
One more song ... it's old, but like a fine wine.
This is a song that most of you have heard, but if you haven't, you really ought to download it, memorize it, and then become the coolest kid on your block. Then later, when we all get together, we can all sing this song together, and totally freak out the locals (wherever we might be meeting up at). Of course, the song I'm talking about is "With My Tights On". Jenny asked me the other day if I had any other new music for her to listen to, and I told her I didn't, to which she responded, "Well, I guess I'll just have to console myself with 'With My Tights On'". Ah, what wonderful consolation, indeed.
White boy rap INCOMING!
White boy rap INCOMING!
Sunday, February 05, 2006
You might be too young to remember this ...
So yeah, I've decided that my blog could be a place to just throw any musical idea that comes to my brain. This is from the Incredible Hulk TV show ... the music that plays at the end when he's walking away -- all sad. :( I'm not sure the guy that wrote this realized how powerful it was back then. Anyways, the piece is really short, so I just arranged it myself and made it a little longer. Grab a blanket and some tissues and wave good-bye to Hulky-poo.
*single tear*
*single tear*
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The coolest song you'll hear today.
This is "Sobbin' Women" from "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (it's a musical). Oh, and I'm singing and playing (as usual).
Get the masterpiece here!
Get the masterpiece here!
Friday, February 03, 2006
I'm setting the events of Revelation in motion right now...
That's right. I'm actually posting a blog entry. I don't really know why, because I don't really have anything interesting to talk about. But I had this .. this ... SPACE on the internet where I can just blab, and random people might hear it and get upset at my stupidity. It's a very loud call, and it just kept beckoning for me to use it. On and on the voice called out to me until I came to this page, and couldn't keep myself entertained by adding blog links anymore. I had to say something to the good (and bad) people of the internet. Hear me, O Israel, for I BLOG!
OK, so I'm over that now. I decided to try this somewhere between Martin calling me a "music genius" and Gary saying "Vote Karl in 2006". Flattery will get you everywhere, even on the internet. Of course, none of this would have been possible without that dear sweet girl Desirée, who not only set this in motion by starting an informal poll on her own blog, but then took it upon herself in shining selflessness to create my blog, and even post the first entry. In pink.
So, I'm playing a wedding this weekend. I'm not sure if that soaked in or not. I'm playing a wedding THIS weekend. SUPERBOWL ANYONE? Not the best of planning, and I don't think they even considered it might be on the same day about 8 months ago when they first chose the date. Even so, when the gig is over, I'm running straight to David Havir's house for a nice little football party (which usually means, playing cards and turning and looking at the TV if the fans cheer loudly). In other cooler news, the girl getting married has asked me to play as many video game remixes as I can while the guests are being seated. Although cool, I'm not sure that I can do this: I mean, they're too upbeat for what I consider to be pre-wedding music. Oh, and I haven't practiced any of them in ages, and I'm probably going to suck. I'm not getting paid either, so it's harder to make myself take the risk. But I will anyway (I think).
Why did I tell you all this? Was that interesting? I'm a phailure.
Oh, I've also got a brand new website going up, and the whole site is going to go live on March 1st. If you'd like a sneak peek at the amazingness, head on over HERE and see what you think. I think I probably have the most fleshed-out site of the group for now, mostly because I have the largest amount of music to offer so far (and sheet music! woo). Oh, it's about remixes by the way, just in case that makes it not worth clicking.
That about does it. Hope this was as bad for you as it was for me.
OK, so I'm over that now. I decided to try this somewhere between Martin calling me a "music genius" and Gary saying "Vote Karl in 2006". Flattery will get you everywhere, even on the internet. Of course, none of this would have been possible without that dear sweet girl Desirée, who not only set this in motion by starting an informal poll on her own blog, but then took it upon herself in shining selflessness to create my blog, and even post the first entry. In pink.
So, I'm playing a wedding this weekend. I'm not sure if that soaked in or not. I'm playing a wedding THIS weekend. SUPERBOWL ANYONE? Not the best of planning, and I don't think they even considered it might be on the same day about 8 months ago when they first chose the date. Even so, when the gig is over, I'm running straight to David Havir's house for a nice little football party (which usually means, playing cards and turning and looking at the TV if the fans cheer loudly). In other cooler news, the girl getting married has asked me to play as many video game remixes as I can while the guests are being seated. Although cool, I'm not sure that I can do this: I mean, they're too upbeat for what I consider to be pre-wedding music. Oh, and I haven't practiced any of them in ages, and I'm probably going to suck. I'm not getting paid either, so it's harder to make myself take the risk. But I will anyway (I think).
Why did I tell you all this? Was that interesting? I'm a phailure.
Oh, I've also got a brand new website going up, and the whole site is going to go live on March 1st. If you'd like a sneak peek at the amazingness, head on over HERE and see what you think. I think I probably have the most fleshed-out site of the group for now, mostly because I have the largest amount of music to offer so far (and sheet music! woo). Oh, it's about remixes by the way, just in case that makes it not worth clicking.
That about does it. Hope this was as bad for you as it was for me.